America's Allergist Blog

What to Do If You Have Eczema

eczema doctor treat eczema

What to Do If You Have Eczema

While eczema isn't completely curable, there are ways to make the condition bearable. America's Allergist highlights the simple yet highly effective habits you can embrace to treat it.

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Asthma VS Allergy: The Differences And Similarities

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Asthma VS Allergy: The Differences And Similarities

In the U.S., there are millions of people who suffer from allergies and asthma. For those who live in Colorado, allergies and asthma symptoms are just as commonplace, regardless of the fresh Rocky Mountain air. However, the various symptoms associated with these two conditions can be confusing to individuals, as some indications tend to overlap both health issues. To better understand these two health problems, let's examine how they both limit optimal breathing. What Are Allergies? When the immune system experiences a hypersensitive response to a substance due to contact with the body, such as pollen, various materials or pet...

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Tips to Avoid Allergic Reactions To Food During the Holidays

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Tips to Avoid Allergic Reactions To Food During the Holidays

Holidays are a special time of year to enjoy with loved ones, friends and family. But, for those with food allergies, it also tends to be a stressful season wrought with uncertainty. That's because holiday celebrations, like Christmas, New Year's, Chanukah, or Kwanzaa, are predominantly food-centered. To avoid emergency trips to the allergist or allergy doctor, you may want to follow these helpful tips. 1) Use Products From Allergy-Aware Lines Ditch some of that holiday stress by using allergy-aware product lines. These are companies that manufacture their food within allergen-free facilities, like peanut-free factories, and label their products to reflect...

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Allergies vs Asthma: Distinguishing and Managing

allergies Asthma

Allergies vs Asthma: Distinguishing and Managing

If you’ve ever asked “What’s the difference between allergies and asthma?”, you aren’t alone. The answer isn’t always clear-cut.

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Find an Ally for Managing your Asthma

Find an Ally for Managing your Asthma

As with any health issue, finding the right doctor or specialist is paramount to your tolerance of a new diagnosis. Being able to talk to a physician for asthma openly about your concerns, ask questions, and gain understanding are your rights as a patient. Finding someone that sees your Quality of Life as more than just a gauge is rare. Some diagnoses don’t need to be hands on. Sometimes you can get away with a doc, a plan, and a checklist- no more. For something as severe as asthma, you need your doctor to hear your words, but to also...

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