About America's Allergist

William Lanting, M.D., F.A.A.A.A.I, F.A.A.P.

American Allergy & Asthma Board Certified
I have been listening to, evaluating and treating patients for over 29 years. Changing someone’s life, even after one visit, lights me up. Allergy is my calling in life. I go to work every day and have fun. Eighty percent of the world hates their jobs. I and my staff love our work, what we do and the change in patient’s lives we create.
My dad told me “If you let the patient talk long enough they will tell you what is wrong with them”. That is why I spend my time listening to the patient and getting to know them. Helping a “friend” is easier and more rewarding than just treating a patient.
Also when there is a difficult decision to make on an evaluation, diagnosis or treatment I think of another pearl my dad taught me. “If you have a tough decision to make, what would you do if it was your family?” This makes decision making very easy. He is still practicing after 59 years. We had a real family practice for nine years. It was my dad, me and my mom. She was a nurse and receptionist. They met over a gallbladder, quite a story. She went to nursing school to become a flight attendant. That was the 50’s.
After nine years I moved to Florida to do a Pediatric Residency at Miami Children’s Hospital in Florida. There I wrote a paper on Kawasaki’s Disease, an immunological vascular condition. It was accepted by the Journal of Pediatrics. My mentor, Dr Kamani, urged me to pursue allergy and immunology as a career.
I was lucky enough to do my Allergy, Asthma & Immunology fellowship at National Jewish Center in Denver. It has won the US News and World Report award as the best respiratory hospital in the US every one of the 14 years the award has been given. They are the best allergy, asthma, eczema and immunology research center in the world. When I was there I felt like a rookie shortstop on the 1927 Yankees with Ruth, Gehrig, Dickey and Gomez. Not just hall of famers but the best of the best. What an honor to be with these superstars. What I learned from them was best practice in allergy. They continue to teach me at local meetings and national conventions.
Baseball is m religion. I believe that all life is based on baseball. The Yankees are my team. My dad took to me to my first game at “The Stadium” on June 8, 1968 and I was able to see my hero, Mickey Mantle.
My brother and I ran one of the best and well known baseball and sports card and memorabilia companies in the 80’s, Lanting Collectables. Through this I met many great customers who were great fans and had many wonderful conversations about sports.
Skydiving came into my life in my 40’s. I have 291 jumps and am a Class D skydiver. There is not a small plane I haven’t jumped out of and also have jumped from helicopters, balloons and a C-130. Most challenging were the high altitude jumps. I have jumped in Colorado, Alaska, Arizona, Illinois and multiple sites in Florida and California. Unfortunately I took out both legs on jump 286, a right femur and left tibia/fibula. After recovering and getting the rods out I got back up there.
Travel has always been a passion. My parents knew travel was a great from of education and took me on numerous car and airplane trips. I have visited all 50 states and 62 countries. There are less new countries lately as I am on a mission to show my wife all the special places in the world that I have fallen in love with. We have visited 19 countries in our 5 years together.
There are my 13 near death experiences, but that will be the subject of an upcoming book. Four by water, three by tornado, two by lightning, one helicopter, one traffic, one skydiving and the elephant in Botswana.
My passion though will always be patient care. I knew I would be a doctor at 5 years of age. That is when I made my first housecall with my dad. I, like my dad and his colleagues, will die with my stethoscope on.

Loretta Lanting, BS, MEd – Director of Marketing

Loretta Lanting

Loretta believes in serving the needs, wants and desires of our patient population. She is focused on customer needs and outcomes. She has trained with Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, T Harv Eker, Darren Hardy, Keith Cunningham, David Bach and other distinguished business and personal development leaders. All of their training is focused on giving value to customers and serving all of their needs. Loretta also focuses on our wonderful staff to have them functioning as a team and a family. She believes that if a staff can be harmonious then this naturally leads to great customer service. Our staff then focuses on delivering wonderful attention, service and education to all who enter our family as patients.

Loretta has led the most interesting of lives, making James Bond look boring. She was born in Rome, Italy, to Scottish and Canadian parents. She was naturalized in Buffalo, NY, at age 7 months previously being a child without a country until then. She then spent her first five years in Ankara, Turkey, even learning Turkish as a child. Her next home was Jakarta, Indonesia for 4 1/2 years where she learned some Indonesian. Next she lived in Tehran, Iran, for 3 1/2 years, under Reza Shah Pahlavi until the revolution and street riots. She finished off the school year in Scotland. Her next home was in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, for 2 years. After this she resided and was educated in Edinburgh, Scotland, to complete her secondary (high) school education and university (college) at the University of Edinburgh. She has been in the United States since 1989. Her father was a project manager for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. He worked on specific projects in each country to help plan for specific crop needs or population requirements for 5, 10 or 20 year plans depending what the governments required. In Turkey, for instance, he had to help find cash crops to replace money earned previously by growing opium poppies – REALLY!!

Travel has been a big part of Loretta’s life also. She has visited 44 countries, 26 with her husband, Dr. Lanting. She has experienced the Sky Venture wind tunnel which simulates skydiving equivalent to skydiving to 25 jumps. She has done adventure zip-lines in Costa Rica, Mexico and Scotland. She likes snow skiing and water-skiing. Her husband told her that he loved her in front of the Taj Mahal and proposed to her at sunset in Punta del Este, Uruguay. They were married in Staten Island, NY and honey mooned in the Dominican Republic and Fiji.

She has two lovely children, aged 22 and 19. Her oldest is her son who is a graduate from the University of Colorado at Boulder and studied Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. He graduated from Rocky Mountain High School where he was the class Secretary. Her daughter is attending the University of South Carolina, is involved in a Co-ed Engineering Fraternity, participates in sports and loves spending time with her friends.

She loves color and original art. Her home is decorated in vibrant colors and her husband thought that she was on drugs when she first described her home color scheme. Their home is decorated in original art from their travels around the world that they chose together. She helps curate his multiple collections of art, sports memorabilia, postcards, glassware, comic art, first edition books, autographed memorabilia and other collectables. She enjoys the lovely green grass and bright flowers in her backyard and the views of the mountains between the trees. It is so peaceful.